Hi friends!

I started off the month with an amazing beach hangout with 20 PADS dogs! I had a blast playing with all the pups and met lots of new friends. I reconnected with some of my uncles and aunts and played with my grandpa Cleat!

Then, it was time for the university term to start up again. I went with my raiser to Imagine Day at UBC, where we talked to lots of people about the Campus Canines UBC club, and I got to say hi to some of them. Lots of my campus puppy friends were also there, and it was fun to see them again after the summer.

I quickly adapted to our new routine of classes and other activities. I’m a pro at settling during my raiser’s lectures. I just curl up under the chair or desk and start snoozing.

I also went to puppy class a couple of times and campus canines club meetings. I get pretty excited to see my dog and human friends, so we’ve been focusing our training on calmness and disengagement from the things I find so, so fun! I’ve also continued to work on my cues, and I’m getting the hang of my newest cue, “heel” while also working to perfect all my old cues and adding duration.

Next month, I’m looking forward to some fun Halloween/fall activities and celebrating my first birthday! It’s hard to believe I’m already almost one! See you all next month to update you on all those fun things!

– Casper

Submitted by: Sophie Pantel