Hello world! My name is Cela, I’m three months old, and everybody tells me my ears are realllly big. Sometimes they even get in the way when I’m trying to drink some water or chew on a toy! I have had a lot of new experiences since moving to Vancouver. Some of my favourite things to do are meeting new people, observing all the things going by on our street, going to puppy class, trying to eat leaves or pinecones, and watching TV – especially cartoons like Bluey. I don’t like car rides yet, but we’re always somewhere different and interesting when I get out! 

I’m starting to get the impression that I can’t always chew on everything around me, but it’s just so darn fun. At least my treats and kibble are the tastiest of all, and there are always lots of toys to play with! I have heard lots of interesting things on the radio, and sometimes Luke and Leslie sing to me, which is nice. Luke also has some things around the house called ‘instruments’ that make funny noises. I guess I’ll get used to them, but I haven’t made my mind up about the ‘drum pad’ yet. Those sticks look yummy! 

Okay, I’m gonna go for a walk now, and maybe a nap after that. I’ll let you know what other things I discover next month!

Submitted by: Luke & Leslie