We’re so very proud to announce our newest Hearing Dog Team, Ulrich and PADS Charm! ✨ The pair were matched in late 2023, and Ulrich sent us this update on his long wait for a dog, and what a different Charm has made to him and his whole family:
“Since 2013 when I applied and got accepted for a hearing dog from PADS my daughter has wished every year passing by more and more that PADS would find the right dog for me. I also got more and more anxious, the closer the time came for my daughter to graduate from high school, because I knew that she wasn’t going to stick around. And to be fair, I didn’t want that either. Her whole years as a kid and as a teenager did she help me. It was time for her to start to live the life she wants!
Both of us were quite excited when I got the phone call from Margaret Hicks beginning 2023 with the question if I would be still interested in an assistance dog/hearing dog from PADS. We at least knew now that we haven’t been forgotten from PADS!
November 24th, 2023 was the day my hearing dog and I got matched. What a great day for me! My daughter who had left the “nest” 3 months earlier could hardly wait to hear if the matching was a success or not. How relieved she was when she heard that we were matched is beyond words.
No more worries that I don’t know that the alarm clock or the timer went off, that someone knocked on the door, someone is calling me, the gate alarm at work went off, my phone is ringing or the smoke alarm went off. Also will I always know now when I accidentally dropped my key again!
Since I got my hearing dog, I finally can sleep now through the night again! Do I miss the “spices” that come with my handicap? Absolutely not!!!
Thank you to everyone who supported PADS in any way possible so that I was able to be matched with my special dog Charm who is the one dog at the time who changes lives!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, again and again!”