Charm was beaming to get dropped off on her first day at Puppy-U! She was over the moon to have dog friends to play with and new people to meet. She met her bunkmate, Mosley, who had been in school for a while. Charm has made fast friends with Gloucester and Champ II. They enjoy trading bones back and forth and playing chase in the sun. We took it easy over the last two weeks and didn’t do much besides basic obedience, settling time in the office and playing in the yard. Charm is a very exuberant girl full of beans. She would definitely like to do everything, always at the same time.
Charm has adjusted very easily to her new environment and soaks up every opportunity to work and learn. She enjoys working for her handler, even if she doesn’t get it right the first few times. She is always eager to try again!
A quirk that we are working on is her over-arousal with distractions present. Charm does have a decent amount of impulse control and is trying her best to reign her beans in when it comes to seeing other dogs out. So far, she’s been doing very well in this department. We will see as time goes on, but Charm shows that she is dedicated to the cause!
Charm has shown us how much love and care everyone has put into her being her. Charm is very bright, and she is proving to be a fun addition to the class.
Thanks, everyone, for all your love and hard work with Charm!
Advanced training location: West Coast
Submitted by: Advanced Training Department