Cliff accompanied us on many errands this month and displayed excellent manners and patience in places that I’m sure were not the most exciting for him. He came with me to visit the optometrist and did very well staying in a down while my eyes were being tested and weren’t on him. After the appointment, we took a little stroll through Market Mall where he got to see all of the interesting things a mall has to offer. Cliff perks up whenever he hears or sees young children so he was very interested in what all of the little kids were doing in the play area inside the mall. I’m sure if he had the chance, he would have loved to join them.
Other outings included trips to grocery stores, the library, restaurants and Costco. During the Costco trip, quite a few people tried to get his attention, but he stayed engaged with me which made me very proud of him.
On one of the warmer days this month, we took him to his favourite off-leash park as a treat. He had the whole place to himself, running and sniffing everything. He came home very muddy, which wasn’t obvious until I wiped him down with a towel. Black dogs hide a lot of secrets.
Submitted by: Tracey