Denim is a lovely dog who loves to play and is very friendly with all whom he meets. He really likes other dogs, to a fault at times and we need to remind him to focus on us during our walks. He loves his romps through Bert Flynn Park, when most of it can be off-leash. He’s a very strong and fit puppy, pushing 100 pounds. He leaps into cars over our retaining walls very easily. His favourite game is “find it” where we hide one of his toys in the house or the yard and ask him to search it out … he’s very proud once he’s found it and brings it back for another round (and round and round).
Denim’s in the breeding program at the moment and this month he had a “hot date” with Pads Jewell. We expect to know by the end of September if he is going to be a proud poppa again! (His first Litter was the Helicopter litter this spring) Sadly, Denim fall’s into the “deadbeat dad” category and shows no interest in parenting.
Denim likes training and has very good recall and most of the core skills. He does everything at full speed, sometimes a little to fast if the floors are slippery! Occasionally he does decide to not recall …. If there is another dog in the area or a really good smell. Something to work on!
Submitted by: Darrell Burnham