This month started off with a bang! Derby and I attended our first boat concert in Invermere, BC. Performed by Brett Kissel and hosted by Brett Wilson, it was truly an experience to remember. Derby sat on my paddle board nicely the entire time and even took a nap. She seemed content to be on the water and unbothered by all the people, noise, and movement around her.
We also did an overnight camp in the back country! She was quite happy to have a spot next to us in the tent and being able to cuddle up to us. The thunder didn’t bother her and she enjoyed her morning swim the next day
Derby and I also got a job at Eagle Ranch Golf Course in Invermere! Having almost no luck at the beginning of the summer, we were very fortunate to find a job there and were grateful that they were open to hiring Derby and me. They held a personal interview for Derby and the next day we were doing a trial run; needless to say, we got the job and she won over the hearts of everyone who she worked with and the golfers. Throughout our time working, there was many opportunities to practice commands. On a daily basis, we worked on sit, down, stand, jump on, go say hi, and wait. We didn’t disappoint Eagle Ranch, and my manager said he was surprised by how mild mannered Derby was, and how well she behaved at work! If I didn’t have my mandatory internship coming up this summer, I would definitely go back and work there, especially with a PADS dog. Derby continues to impress me with her ability to learn and adapt to new environments.
Submitted By: Chelsea Kovacs