December was an exciting month for Derby! I think she would agree…except for when she had to take a bath (that was probably the least fun) but afterwards she got a new toy!
This Christmas break we went out to British Columbia and even though we had to social distance, Derby did not mind. We took many, many walks each day with some of them lasting up to 3 hours long. Derby enjoyed running after us when we would go tobogganing and watching turkeys! Over the break, we learnt that Derby isn’t bothered by turkeys or deer anymore and she no longer wants to chase them. We also worked on entering and exiting cars as well as stand, sit, and down. She also perched on a snowmobile very gracefully.
This little pup continues to impress me with how smart she is and how quickly she can learn new concepts. She quickly adapts and is eager to work and play…and sleep.
Submitted By: Chelsea Kovacs