Dervish has been very busy training on and off-site and he has some great news to share! He has passed his preplacement test! Dervish is now waiting to be matched with a client and will hopefully start working with them by the end of the year. He was also very happy that this month he got a chance to visit and celebrate passing his PPT with his raisers. What an exciting month! Dervish says congratulations and thanks to all who helped him make this moment possible! 

  • Skills being learned: Practice of foundations and potential skills
  • Recent field trips: Lougheed Mall, Robert Burnaby Park and others 
  • Possible behavior challenges: None currently presenting
  • Advanced training location: West Coast (Burnaby Campus)

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Dervish!

Submitted by: Ashley – Service & Hearing Dog Instructor