[Desi would have someone “hold her face or head up” under her chin all day if she could manage it!]
Desi has consistently been improving and is less anxious. She has of course enjoyed having the whole family of 6 home more and together so much as a group this past 3 months.
I have been trying to work more on challenging Desi at home, since I have a bit more time to do this in between work and Zoom meetings. Desi has LOVED this and is now always eager to work. This is a huge improvement from when we would do a short session of work and Desi would run to her bed or would be so anxious she would even leave the room where Jay is! Now, during training, her tail is wagging the whole time and she is excited to work for that 1 piece of kibble!

[Desi loves her bowl and Jay’s socks! She doesn’t chew anything, just likes to lay with them. But she is awesome at “drop it” and so gentle!]
She is still anxious when asked to follow commands (sit, stand, down, side/here…) but quickly gets more confident with a few minutes of work. She seems to be trying to figure out what we want and wants to please us, but is unsure of how to accomplish this. We have to be very careful not to correct her too strongly or she gets very anxious. We also have to be careful not to praise her too much or she jumps up and has even bonked me in the mouth because I had an excited voice praising her for doing a perfect “here”. 😉
Desi continues to have the softest, sweetest personality.
Submitted By: Dana Stephenson