Hi Y’all,

Boy, has August ever been a busy time for this little pup. I have had so many new adventures and been to so many new places, that it makes my wee puppy brain spin.

I told you last month about my spiffy new harness. But I didn’t even get a chance to grow into it before my peeps replaced it with another new-fangled thing called a Gentle Leader. Now I wear that everywhere, and EVERYBODY is commenting on how improved I am. I have pretty much mastered loose leash walking, though I occasionally do a barrel roll in the grass to try and get it off. It gets really itchy under there. I’ve heard from some of the other puppies in class that none of us really l-i-k-e them, but we do enjoy the praise and rewards from our humans.

Let’s see, what neat places have I been?

When it is too hot to walk outside, we go to the Mall, where it is lovely and cool. I love to people-watch and see all the fun stuff there and lots of little humans.

We also visited the doctor and the lab for my people to have checkups, and it’s kinda like when I go to the Vet. They all like to see me in my little vest and think I am s-o-o-o cute!

We went to the Library, which was so fun, with little people running around everywhere. What?  Do they not learn discipline like me?  Also, I went to the paint store, where I helped my people pick out paint colours for the yard.

I have had many playdates, some with my friend Luna and some with Pads Tzar, who is two weeks younger but is even taller than me. I am now over 50 lbs, but Tzar is too! He is very nice and shares his toys and his water bowl with me when we play. I also got to play with former PADS dogs Hugo, Melody, Augie (formerly Phoebe) and Magic. We got to run around loose in a very big yard with a pool, and we had such fun. You can tell which one is me by my bright, colourfully striped collar.

Life is good at my house, and my humans love me, even when I misbehave, but puppies don’t misbehave often, right?? I still get tummy rubs and sometimes rest on their feet, which they seem to like too. The weather is cooling down, so I am looking forward to Fall and will keep you posted on my next adventures.

Submitted by: Caryl McCabe