Hi Everybody,
June was a very eventful month for me and my humans. It started out with a visit to the Vet to get my 12-week shots so I could meet other puppies. They weighed me and I have gained 7 pounds. I had a bit of an upset tummy from changing my food, so I am getting some rice and meat in a bowl, Wow! Did not take me long to get back to normal.
June was PRIDE month in Kelowna and we attended the Parade which was a huge amount of fun! Colours and our PADS banner were flying proudly. We had a little mishap though and I ended up a wee bit squashed under a chair. I had to go to the Vet Clinic, but because I am such a happy, resilient little pup, I got to go home the next day with no lasting injury. My people worried a bit, but I am totally fine, and we posted a picture back home that morning to show how strong I am.
I had another adventure and official visit at the human’s hospital with a sitter friend who took me to cheer up her mom. Everybody (doctors, nurses and patients) loved me, but I have to say it tired me out.
Next, I had a fun, exciting day with my sitters and Magic and PADS Tzar, while my people took a first aid course for puppies. They enjoyed it very much, and so did I.
I wonder what will happen next.
Submitted by: Caryl McCabe