Hi Readers,
I am Digger from the “Bee” litter. My bro Buzz and I left our mom and sibs and travelled with Toast and his family to the Okanagan to meet my new puppy raisers. They are new to PADS, and I am their very first puppy, so I may have to train them too! They forgot all about Pupdates in the excitement of having me, but they are eager to help me reach my goal of one day, hopefully, becoming an assistance dog.
My first official visit was to the Okanagan Golf Club, where I had to supervise my humans while they played golf. I loved riding on the cart and feeling the wind in my fur. But, whoa, supervising is a very big responsibility, and I was asleep by the 4th hole. I have been several times, and everybody loves me in the Pro shop and greet me in unison with a loud “D-i-g-g-e-r”.
Next, I went to the Garden Centre in Kelowna, where they have so many things to sniff. I had a little accident but nobody minded cause my folks cleaned up, and really, it was outside.
After that, I went to the Pharmacy where my people got their shots, and they showed me what to do when I get my 12-week shots next week… no biggie!
All in all, it has been a very exciting month, and I love running around the house at top speed and jumping on my bed. I am learning to go there quietly too. I get belly rubs there too. But sometimes, I need a timeout in my kennel, but that’s ok cause I have friends to keep me company. I love Spikey Man. My people say I am sometimes fractious but can’t resist my sweet little face.
I’ll keep you posted on my adventures.
Submitted by: Caryl McCabe