Hi Everyone,

Boy, has this been a month! There is so much to tell you about.
First, I figured out what all those little orange thingys are…pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere! I even heard some people eat em. Anyway, my peeps say I need to wait for Halloween, whatever that is. To explain, they took me again to Home Depot to show me the big creepy guys who come out on Halloween to scare little people and even some big people. But not me, I say bring em on!!!

The days are getting much colder in Kelowna, and the leaves have all turned colour and are falling in my yard. I like to go out and chase them. Now in the morning, I really enjoy snuggling in front of the warm air cause it’s so cold outside. My humans say wait til you see the white stuff. Huh? But I guess that’s one more thing to learn about.

I have the cutest little girly humans on my block, and they just adore me and wait for me to come out! We stop on our walks, and I get to say hi, once I stop being excited and sit nicely in front of them. They like to come and visit me at my house. The last time they came, they brought boxes of cookies with them, but not for me. Imagine, I only got to sniff them. Think I’d like chocolate mint, they smelled really good, but all I got was a liver treat instead, which I liked pretty well, anyway.

Now for the big news, I think I told you I was accident-prone, but so is my adopted mom. We went to a town hall meeting at puppy class, and she fell and hurt her hip. So we took her to the hospital, where once again, everybody loved me! I was such a good boy waiting quietly beside my peeps, and resting my head on mom’s bed. They were so proud of me. And for now, I am staying with my Uncle Paul til she’s healed. It’s pretty nice here, and I got to hang with PADS Finian for a week. Got a new rag toy, but I’ll chew that up in no time. Lots of fun, but my peeps miss me! They come to see me at puppy class.

Well, that’s it, for now, will keep you posted on what happens next.

Submitted by: Caryl McCabe