April was a busy month for Dior with quiet days interspersed to give this pup whose excitement bucket is easily filled, the downtime she needs to keep her on an even keel. She continues to do well in malls and stores though the wonderful smells and the occasional wad of gum on the floor still call her nose in an instant. She’s a ‘crank nose up to maximum and hearing to off’ when the scent field is bigger than her little being can resist.
Dior experienced an extended family function with nosy, rambunctious kids. She retired to her kennel several times to get some peace and quiet.
The grandkid’s school playground was fascinating, and not being able to join in the soccer game was a tragedy not to be soothed with kibble.
Church, grocery store visits, Paddles for PADS, checking out a kayak for later consideration, a playdate with her sibling Dolce, going to the chiropractor and checking out the golf course from the sidewalk, followed by sitting in the restaurant waiting area rounded out her getting out and about.
Her sweet and calm disposition at home combined with her spicey interactions with her world beyond the house, have us all wondering what she will decide to be when she grows up.
Submitted by: Heather DeVries