Dior’s December was relatively quiet as she recovered from her spay surgery the first two weeks of the month and snuggled with her raiser for most of the second who had the latest respiratory ‘bug’ that was making the rounds.

Dior was sad to miss several events due to both of the above, but recommenced her social rounds on Dec 23, with a visit to Pacific Theatre. On our way in to find our seats, she was delighted to meet a seasoned PADS mobility assistance service dog who was in attendance with their person. Settling was a challenge with ‘stuff’ on the floor under the seats and the lovely-smelling necks of the people in front of us as it was a sloped floor. The last 15 minutes were spent in the foyer as she was very done.

Dior attended her first Christmas Eve service at St Mark’s Anglican church. Once she understood the protocol, she stood for all hymns and laid quietly for all seated portions of the service. Though, she wasn’t sure why she wasn’t allowed to nibble on either of our candles, which were lit for the final Christmas hymn.

Christmas was full of family for brunch and an extended family dinner where she always enjoyed the attention of the grandchildren when given permission at some point in the evening. Everyone helped to make sure no wrapping paper was left on the floor for her to get at, and all the chocolate was put up on the counter/table.

An outing to North 40 Dog Park with several other PADS pups was so much fun. Acres and acres of place to run and water to wade in. Recalls, LLW with many other dogs around, sits & durations were practised between romps and wades.

Dior gave us a beautiful 2-hour settle while her raiser brunched with her daughter-in-law at a busy boutique bistro. She didn’t even sniff the ankles of the lady at the table next to us. Though she did make puppy eyes at her. :0)

Dior finished the year by attending a New Year’s Eve play date with her dog friend Gio, while her raiser enjoyed a dinner (one room away) and a New York New Year’s Eve countdown with friends.

Dior continues to be unsettled by fast-moving heavy traffic coming from behind. When she’s having an off day, LLW on a flat collar becomes a tug of war, and we return to the Halty for the rest of the walk. The Lab gene of needing to mouth every pinecone and nibble or eat every 3rd twig, while still active is becoming easier for her to ignore little by little. Alert barking has begun with one or two short barks and is easily quieted with a verbal acknowledgment by her raiser. Trading ‘borrowed’ socks for a kibble is now the norm. It is a rare item that won’t be traded for.

Dior’s LLW on a flat collar continues to improve. She rarely pulls and can be ‘reminded’ with a gentle tug and release. We only need two kibbles to walk past another dog on the sidewalk. Sniff walks are a little more work.
She excels at beautiful behaviour when going with her raiser on errands to shops, grocery stores, post office, etc. Pet stores are still a hard call but she is doing much, much better at keeping her nose front and center. Dior’s absolutely favourite thing after eating is warming her butt in front of the fireplace or snuggling with her raiser while sharing the dog bed and watching TV.

Dior is, quite simply, good people. Or however, you would say that for dogs.

Submitted by: Heather DeVries