Dior continues to make progress in the areas that are challenging for her.  LLW while using the Halty, has helped a walk become a pleasure with many extended neighbourhood walks. She is ignoring other dogs, while still making a conscious decision, which is becoming more the norm. Post heat has seen a quieter, more serene side of Dior be present more often. In the evenings, she often asks to be allowed upstairs to put herself to bed in her kennel.

Laundry & shoe stealing is the ever-present work in progress. Along with exuberant jumping on visitors as her form of greeting.

Dior spent 10 days between 2 sitters while her raisers had a short vacation. Followed by another plane trip to Edmonton. During our wait in the airport and as we passed by the Canine Sani Station, she insisted she needed to go in and check it out. Again. In the past, she has just spent her time sniffing around and no BG. We did not go in. 3 minutes later, I had my seldom-used clean-up kit in hand.

Dior finished off September enjoying the company of PADS Cava for a few days, which included many teenage puppy wrestling matches and double date walks.

Dior continues to love floor-sit snuggles, fireplace naps, visits from the grandkids, car rides and all things out and about.

Submitted by: Heather DeVries


Photos below…

Submitted by: Chrissy, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter