
Dolce is now 7 months old and growing like a weed. He is a very busy boy and keeps you on your toes getting into puppy stuff. He is a very sweet boy who loves to rest his head on your foot. He loves to use his raiser’s leg to support his bone while chewing. He has been on a couple of off-leash trail walks alone and with other PADS dogs. He even had a play date with one of his siblings (Dior). He had a great time seeing his sister.

Dolce does very well during his public outings. He is very relaxed and very focused on his raiser.

Submitted by: Monica Fourt, Raiser

Bonus Pupdate:

His ability to disengage with strangers and back to his handler is incredible! We practiced on my neighbour (NEW PEOPLE!) while he was here and he did an excellent job! He stayed focused on me while we approached, very confident but not jumpy when he walked up and greeted them, and returned to me when I called him back. Such a good boy!

Submitted by: Janice, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter