Dolce has had a busy November.  He turned 1 year old, and his raiser treated him to a new collar and toy.  He attended a Christmas Craft Fair and did very well with the large crowd there.  He sat patiently while his raiser checked out a vendor. 

He spent a few days with a sitter, went shopping, and spent time training.  Trails/off-leash walks is one of Dolce’s favourite things to do when not training.  He also has spent some training time with another PADS dog in training at the mall.   Dolce is a very lovable boy who at any time loves to cuddle with you on the floor.  I think in Dolce’s mind, he is a small dog as he loves to get up close when on the floor with him.

Submitted by: Monica Fourt


Photo below…

Submitted by: Angela, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter