Happy New Year!! It’s been a nice month of December for me here. It was pretty everywhere we went! Lights and decorations were everywhere and I was such a good girl to leave them all alone! I even left the balls on the tree alone! But they weren’t safe from my tail though. 🙂
We went shopping several times for the kids in the house and got to pose with the pretty setup at Hightstreet Mall! Don’t I look so beautiful!? My kids had their Christmas Concert that I went to and I was a good girl for the most part. We also hosted my ladies’ family for an early Christmas Dinner, so my pal, Kenny, and I were put in another room where we could see all the events of the evening. My ladies’ family sure loved coming to say hi to us and give us lots of love. The house was busy and noisy, so when I was finally allowed out, I laid in my ladies’ lap and fell asleep because that’s where I feel the most comfortable. I sure loved having everyone home for a few weeks. We stayed home for most of the 2 weeks though, because my “man” and one of my “boys” were sick with fevers and didn’t have the energy to go anywhere. When my boy was sick, I laid on his blanket on the floor where he was sleeping and waited until he fell asleep to go see my lady again.
Overall, I had another great month here in my house with my most favourite people and pal Kenny ever!!!
Submitted by: Melissa