Hi friends! I’ve been in my new home for 2.5 months, and I’m starting to learn how to settle in.
This month I went with my humans to a place in Vancouver called “The Vancouver Maritime Museum” for a field trip for one of my smaller humans. I got to walk around and look at a HUGE boat (and I got to go ON it!), looked at small boats in boxes, and even had to laugh at my humans when they stuck their heads in a funny snorkelling head costume.
I got to see the city from the dock and the car. I was such a good girl that day in the car! I also went with my humans up a mountain in their truck to Jones Lake, and I was such a good girl, even when we had a fire. I was cozy because my human put a warm jacket on me, so I stayed really warm! I went on my first hike, too, up Mount Thom! I was sure tired at the end of it, but the view was beautiful!
I went to work with my human lady a few times; we even went out to Squamish for a quick trip! I even got to experience my first pup cups from Starbucks, and wow! They’re so yummy I have to lick the cup clean!
I’m learning a lot, and I think it’s even fun to use my voice when I’m playing with my buddy Kenny even though I know I’m not supposed to. This week we had snow, and I sure love to play in it! It’s fun chasing Kenny, playing with the little humans, or even walking in the backfield! I even get to practice walking off-leash in the field, and I love to stick close to my human because she has a pocket full of treats.
Well, thanks for checking in! I can’t wait to see what adventures we get to do next!
Submitted by: Melissa