Hello folks!! Can’t believe October is past us now!! My lady was really busy all month coaching volleyball, but that’s all done now so hopefully I get to go out a bit more now. I stayed home a lot in October, but I sure had fun when I did with my pal Kenny!! The sun was shining on so many days and I LOVE laying out in the sun on the concrete on those days! I got to go to Costco a few times, the mall and shopping several times, as well as so many snuggles with my lady. Those are my favourite times!! Especially the heated blanket, that’s my absolute best blanket!! We even got to go trick-or-treating again this year! My lady was really nice and kept me away from any scary houses so that I wouldn’t get scared and I appreciated that. I was so good for her! I got to wear a Joker necklace with bells as well as my light-up collar. My lady didn’t buy me a costume because she was too busy, but this made me feel special even with the bells! I hope you’re doing well and keeping safe! I’m such a happy girl and my life is so good!
Submitted by: Melissa