Hi there folks!! It’s been a super busy time for my lady these days now that the kids have all gone back to school. I’ve been such a good girl at home and around town.
We started off September with a swim at Cultus Lake on a really windy day, but it sure was fun! I got to play with the kids in the water, but my lady made me wear a life jacket so I could get used to swimming so she didn’t have to get her clothes all wet if I went out too far.
We went on a few hikes and I got to go off my leash to play with my pal Kenny! I loved to run a little bit ahead but also would stop and either wait for my lady or I’d turn around and come back to check-in. I would always come back when she’d call me! She told me I was a good girl and she gave me treats to reward me.
My lady liked to do workouts in the garage, so I had to be a good girl and stay by her while my pal Kenny got to run around the yard and play. I want to go so badly, so sometimes I’ll sneak out but my lady calls me back, so for the most part I sit by her and watch Kenny run around. I really try to be a good girl for my lady!
I’ve gone on a few shopping trips with my lady and the kids. I’m not always a fan of this, but when she tells me to lie down I do my best to listen. I’m still a growing girl, so sometimes my body just happens to pop up and she has to direct me to go back down. I love showing her I can be a good girl so I can get a treat from her. My favourite trick to do for her is to stare at her while showing I can lay my head down on the ground.
My lady has taken me to early morning hockey games too. I love it when she shares the roll-up bed with me and I can snuggle right up to her. The more of my body pressed up against her the better for me!
My lady started coaching volleyball, so I got to make it into their photoshoot!! The picture I shared is of my lady and one of my kids. I sure love staring at my lady!!
My absolute favourite thing to do is snuggle with my lady. She loves to have blankets on her all the time to stay warm and cozy, so I LOVE laying between her legs or beside her pressed up tight. Even my pal Kenny loves to join in the snuggles!!
I hope you all had a good month, and hope to see you around sometime!
Submitted by: Melissa