Hey PADS Village – so I’m just here to tell you all that I am having SO MUCH FUN!!! If this is a “dog’s life,” then bring it on.
At the start of the month, I was with Mary and Dave – boy, are they ever great sitters. And they really know how to spoil a guest. Treats and snow and off-leash walks and more snow. They tried to tell me I was “working,” but I know better!! We practised “perch” and other cues, but I thought snowplow was the best. And for a really special treat, I got to spend some time with my “sponsor,” Cathy. She is such an amazing person (and a lot of fun) – I just hope I can do her proud – I’m really going to try.
After a week or so, my main hooman showed up and brought me home. I was kinda happy to see my regular pillow and kennel, and he says I settled in really quickly. He started taking me to the “Y,” but after a while, it gets a little boring there, so I just lay down until it’s time to leave. He says that’s a good thing. And he says we’re starting a new training routine that means we get to go to a skateboard park every few days. I have to work on all my cues and not be distracted by all the kids zooming around me. That’s kinda hard, but if there are treats involved, I’ll give it a shot!!!
Oh!! And it was my “six-month” birthday at the end of the month!! Which meant I got a frozen kong – my all-time favorite treat!
Submitted by: Kevin