I love being a PADS Pup – and March was another great month for me. For the first half of the month, we were with my hooman’s family in Ontario. I think “Ontario” must mean “land of snow” because there was a lot. But I loved it!! I wanted to stay with my hooman’s mom, ’cause she’s such a cool lady and likes me a lot. But by mid-month, my hooman said he had had it with the snow, and we had to leave.
Unfortunately, I didn’t like the flight home too much. It turns out I needed to toilet (not the BGN kind) real bad after the plane took off – and 5+ hours is a long time to hold it. I did – but I was sure glad when we got outside. I’ve had lots of great sitters this month – PADS sitters are the best. My hooman says I’m really good at staying with other families – but I think that’s because they are always so good to me.
And then, towards the end of the month, my hooman said the holiday was over, so I guess we’re back at work now. He says our big project right now is a “folded down” – I can do it okay, but only if treats are involved. Is that a problem??
Submitted by: Kevin Hisko