Ember II has been enjoying playing with her friends Wroxy and Nootka at break time. They get up to all sorts of (supervised) shenanigans together. She’s been working hard to stay calm around dogs and people distractions while working with her handler. Ember II has shown a good desire to work on these things, and we hope to see continued growth in these areas! Ember loves her handlers and does very well checking in and staying focused one on one. 

  • Skills being learned: Practice staying focused on her handler with distractions and being brave with nail clipping and foot handling
  • Recent field trips: Malls
  • Possible behavior challenges: Arousal spikes with potential distractions 
  • Advanced training location: West Coast (Burnaby Campus)

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Ember II!

Submitted by: Juniper – Kennel Coordinator