You guys! June marked the beginning of the province wide restart program. I was pretty excited to get back in vest but then… I went into something called “heat”. Sigh.

Thankfully my raisers are very creative and they found ways for me to get outside without being in contact with any potential suitors. My favourite times were when we rode in my special water carriage (canoe), playing with my furiend Winnie and Auntie Tira, and spending time sunbathing on the deck.

As always I continue to practice my loose leash walking and “toolkit” skills. One thing that made my raisers especially proud this month was when the hissing bandits (raccoons) came and knocked over the compost and I stayed in my bed pretending to nap. And later when we went out to clean it up (the raccoons were long gone) I didn’t even bend down to sniff or nibble at it.

That’s all from me for now. I look forward to seeing you soon. Wash your paws, be kind, be safe.

xo @padsempress

Submitted By: Loud and Tall Raisers