Day 42
This morning the puppies ate breakfast in the cold, pouring rain. Creating Positive Conditioned Emotional Responses (+CER =happy feelings) to rain and standing water is essential for assistance dogs who may be placed on the β€œWet Coast”.
Some of our dogs struggle with going out in the rain or stepping in puddles. This is problematic for a client, as their assistance dog needs to be ready to get up and go despite the weather, and a service dog who tries to dart around a puddle can injure a client. Creating +CERs to water now helps to avoid these problems later on.
The puppies didn’t bat an eye, which is an interesting factor of +CERs – the puppies don’t have to – in fact, they shouldn’t – experience any fear or discomfort in order to create those automatic happy feelings. So this morning’s activity was a success.
We’ll repeat an exposure to rain if possible once more (or possibly use a sprinkler if not), and do a couple repetitions of a β€œpuddle” (likely water in a cookie sheet, which also creates a +CER to walking on metal), and because of how rapidly the puppies are learning, hopefully they’ll have lifelong happy rain feelings.