Hi, Everyone!

Well, my February Headline just HAS to be: INVICTUS GAMES 2025! PADS stepped onto the World Stage in a big way, and I got to play my small part. It was MAGNIFICENT!!

So, I did two shifts in the Eukanuba Puppy Lounge at the Pan Pacific Hotel. PADS Puzzle, Aang and the majestic Working PADS Trek were my shift mates. Up high in the Lounge, we had the greatest view ever, no matter which way we turned! And I met the friendliest people from all over the world and got lots of practice listening, settling and greeting for 4 hours at a stretch amid some top-notch distractions. Big discovery: I love holding as still as a statue while people explore me up close. The Invictus Puppy Lounge was definitely Love Sponge Heaven. You wouldn’t believe how many good feels I soaked up! I sure hope I radiated a few in return.

Although Invictus definitely stole the show this month, I chalked up some other great experiences as well. Thanks to the PADS Ticket Fairy, I attended the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra performance of SUPERMAN at the Orpheum. PADS Puzzle and Huckle came, too, and we were very well-behaved even when the crowd went crazy every time Superman saved the day. Also, this month, we had Puppy Class at the frantic Metrotown right by the SkyTrain station. O, and I did my very best settling & caring during a long emergency room visit. Then, my Beloved Sponsor, Lady Caroline, came all the way from White Rock to deliver a special Care Package, plus cuddles all around. And, of course, Special PADS Friend Benita & I met up for our Wednesday Super Sessions. Plus, my first ever Pink Shirt Day! Big thanks to VCC Culinary, who celebrate kindness every year with pink Chefs’ Jackets. And don’t forget the snow! It hung around for a while, and there was definitely time for frolics in the forest. In fact, I think decompression sniffaries were the glue that kept me together this month.

Thank you so much for checking in on me! In March, I will turn 8 months old, and that means it’s nearly Walk&Talk time again with my Cohort Trainer. I’m going to do my personal best to stay calm & collected when I first catch sight of her (but she’s my Celebrity Fave, so, it’s challenging.) I’ll tell you how that goes. Until then, I hope you give & receive all the good feels!

Submitted by: Mikal