Hi, Everyone!
Wow, another busy month of firsts! First Bomb Cyclone with thunder, lightning and battering hail. And first Walk & Talk assessment at Home Depot. The storm, I mostly slept through. The Walk & Talk, I definitely did NOT! First off, my Cohort Instructor had a clipboard. Plus, the distractions were MAGNIFICENT (but I didn’t want them to outsmart me.)
Seems to me, Magnificent Distractions are a theme these days. I’ve been out & about a lot and they’re absolutely everywhere. This new holiday decor certainly takes things up a notch with all the low-hanging sparkly stuff, dancing characters and wind-up toys. But that’s okay because I’ve got Halloween under my belt and I’m prepared. Look, there’s me and the human puppies practicing our manners at this very high-stakes time of year! (I hear Santa has a clipboard, too.)
On top of field trips (where most of my big learning happens these days), I’ve also been working hard on shaping, offering and responding to cues. I’m doing some really fun body conditioning exercises that help my sit-stand-down sequence and core strength overall. Plus, I’m building my durations and listening skills and practicing my outdoor recalls and trail walking. Oh, and grooming – there’s always that. Of course, a big highlight of the week is my Wednesday Session at Benita’s!! I love Benita so much that I started getting a tad excited in anticipation. So, we “changed the picture” a bit with my arrivals, and now, I’m back on track.
The super sweet stuff this month? On my 4-month birthday, I wore PADS Raekin’s angel wings! Kisses to Lady Caroline for sharing them with me! AND former PADS Handsome Blake and I met up on the sidewalk again! He’s the coolest dog in our ‘hood and my hero. Oh, and I found my special, toasty spot for winter – the heat vent in the kitchen! I go there every morning and practice my “off switch.”
Thank you so much for checking in on me! PADS Brava is coming for a sleepover Saturday night and staying all day Sunday! Plus, I hear December can be super surprising (including the chance of snow), so there’ll be lots to tell you next time, I’m sure. Until then, find your toasty spot and don’t let the distractions outsmart you!
Submitted by: Mikal