
I made it to seven months this November, and to the pleasant surprise of my human, she only joked about dropping me off at the sitters, once. You see, I came to human, as a spicy little monster, and I learned quickly that I needed to tone it down, and get it together. I’ve done just that. In lectures, I have been working hard to settle with minimal opinions on the matter. In the house, I try my best to keep four on the floor and off the human furniture. But with my dog friends in the house, I forget that they don’t always want to spend time with me or play 24/7.

It’s all a work in progress, that human says is coming together extremely slowly. I keep reminding human that it’s a journey, not a sprint. You’d think she’d know by now, considering I am pup number 5!

Not much to report in the fun department, as it’s crunch time for the human and school. I’ve made sure to schedule in some breaks of my own for both the human and me, to enjoy some fresh air and nature in between study sessions.

Submitted by: Emily