Wow, was this month fun? It saw many adventures that made for great learning opportunities and loads of fun.
The biggest event this month was celebrating my Gotcha Day. One year ago this month I joined the hooman on my adventures to becoming the best version of me.
This month also saw us hitting the road to spend two weeks house-sitting, which had me sharing a house with gasp… dare I say it…. A cat!! Turns out Groot is not your typical cat because he turned out to be pretty fun and liked to snuggle with us doggos. While we were house-sitting it allowed us to check out a lot of new trail walkies and hikes. I also got to meet new fren PADS Shadow as they lived in the area.
Another highlight this month was going to the Chilliwack Fair. There were a lot of good smells and some new animals for me to meet. As I was saying, this month was a busy one as I also visited campus and met up with my trainers for my Adult Gdbart testing. This is where I tell my trainers some secrets about me and show them what sort of temperament I may have so that they can see a small glimpse into what I may like to do with my future. This also marks a significant milestone as my time with my raiser may soon be coming to an end with puppy college fast approaching. Just writing about all that has me exhausted all over again, but I only imagine with the crunch to puppy college coming my months will continue to be busy so tune in to see what else we get up to.
Submitted by: Tiff Spenard