Hmmm, there was a lot of build-up going into December. There was talk of a busy season, snow and most importantly, Santapaws. Two of the 3 previously mentioned never showed. But happy to report that Santapaws did and I must have been on his nice list because there sure were some great surprises under the tree for me.
The busy season didn’t really apply for me as half the month I was still in heat so my public access was on hold and then the hooman went and hurt their hand (so I became nurse Ferngully) but I’m sure in the coming months the missed outings will definitely be made up for.
We met another fun person who didn’t have as many presents as Santapaws but he shed more than me so took the best off me for all the fur tumbleweeds blowing across the porch.
The momma and us doggos are super hopeful that next month will show us some snow so we can get out for some fun winter snow zoomies but are definitely happy to have the holiday hustle and bustle behind us and we can kick off a new year with hopefully some news of my future coming. So make sure to check back over the next couple of months as we hope to have some news to share.
Submitted by: Tiff Spenard