So May brings big news everypawdy.

A few months back, when my classmates and litter mates went off to puppy college, I stayed behind with my puppy raiser while some decisions about my future were being made. Over the course of my training, I showed to have great health and temperament, and the trainers decided to let me try my paw at becoming a momma and bring up the next generation of superpuppy heroes. So, over the past few months, I’ve been doing standard medical testing to make sure I’m in tip-top shape. I passed with flying colours and am now happy to announce that I have officially graduated into the PADS Breeding program. With that exciting news, I’d also like to share that it all lined up well with my next heat cycle and I was successfully bred to a handsome boy from Guide Dogs for the Blind named Trevor, and so I’ll be expecting my first litter soon.

This will probably be my last update here, but if you’d like to follow some of my adventures into motherhood, my breeder caretaker (who so happens to also be my puppy raiser), has created a social media page for me. I go by PADS breeding dog Fernie on Facebook, or under the same name with underscores in between on Instagram. So go ahead and give me a follow, and you’ll be sure to see some adorable puppy shenanigans and see their adventures in life before the yellow vest.

Submitted by: Tiff Spenard