We are so excited to welcome Fraser III into advanced training! Fraser arrived at advanced training at the beginning of the month and has settled in very nicely. He is a super sweet guy with a beautiful disposition. His puppy raiser has worked really hard because he has some awesome skills on him! We have spent most of the time just building a relationship and getting to know each other. Right now, we’re taking it easy and giving him some time to settle in before we start ramping things up

  • Skills being Learned: Movement skills, chin target, general obedience, cooperative care
  • Recent Field Trips: St Albert Centre, Canadian Tire, PetSmart, Homes Alive
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Can be vocal when frustrated, motivated by other dogs
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary

We’re so grateful for your ongoing support of Advanced Dog Fraser III!

Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer