Oh my goodness. I went to my new hooman’s house this month. After I got there we packed up everything in their car and went on a road trip. Apparently my hooman siblings had a thing called spring break. We ended up heading up to their cabin for a week. Let me tell you, there was a lot of great smells up there. There was this stuff called ice and snow and mud. I was allowed to walk in the snow and ice, but I can’t quite figure out why I was not able to walk in the mud (that was the best when I rolled in it right when we were getting ready to leave!). I watched my little hoomans ride these big noisy machines on the lake, that was still frozen.. I think they are called quads. That trip was fun.
I have settled in nicely into my new home. Now that I am back, I have settled into a routine (seems I am on the same routine as my hooman mom’s kids!). I get a lot of play time and naps and I do work and go to school too. Can’t wait to see what adventures I have this month with my hoomans. I have heard my hooman sister is going to a dance competition this month. That should be fun.
Submitted by: Kristi Zukewich