I finished 2019 with a 4 day stay over with puppy sitter Raffi. We had an excellent time together exploring many new places. Raffi took me on 3 more different buses since I did so well on the first one! Then we went to a SkyTrain station where I heard strange noises and watched so many people. I got lots of attention ’cause I’m too cute’ at a place called E-Comm. Then when I met the operators with so much petting, I kept my cool.
My hoomans picked me up from my sitter on New Year’s Day…. and boy did I have a surprise for them. On January 2nd I started something called “Heat”. I’m not sure why they call it “Heat” as there is nothing Hot about it. Basically I am housebound until it is over AND I must wear ridiculous looking pants. However being housebound has given me lots of time to practice my skills with my hoomans. I now scoot over to put on my cape. I also now sit or lay still while getting my pedicure. Go me!
When I went out to toilet before going to bed the other week, I got a big surprise. This white stuff was falling from the sky on me and I was not pleased! The next morning, I couldn’t find my favourite toilet spot because everything was white. Did I mention how cold it was? I was told this was snow! Well I did not like it at first but then I changed my mind as it was so fun to run in. Even though my toys were buried beneath all the snow I found them all. I’m anxious for January to end because that means I should be finished this heat quarantine. Then I get to go shopping again and visit my friends at Starbucks.
PADS Bonnie celebrated her 2nd birthday this month. And I had to dress up for the party! Go figure. I do love it!
Submitted By: Ross and Veronica Spenard