Furrow turned 11 months on February 10th. He has had an exciting month. He had his first puppy swap in which he stayed with another raiser for 2 weeks to experience being away from me and to experience being in a new environment. It was fortunate, that where he stayed, they had a 4-month-old PADS dog, so Furrow was able also to have the experience of sharing his home and space with another dog. I received photos and videos daily showing Furrow having fun playing and learning with his new companion, and photos of him and his companion curled up together, sleeping with both dogs snuggled tightly together sharing a dog bed. It was very satisfying for me to know that Furrow was so warm and caring to the other dog and adjusted well to his new environment for those two weeks.
February was Furrow’s first experience with snow. He just loved running around and rolling in this white, fluffy stuff. He enjoyed putting his nose in the snow and digging to find buried treasures.
I took Furrow to the City Hall in Burnaby to see the Chinese New Year decorations. I included a photo of him standing in front of a display.
I also included two photos of Furrow enjoying nature while we still had some snow on the ground.
I will be back next month to report on the incredible and amazing Furrow!
Submitted by: Tracy K.