December was a big month for me! It was my first holiday season, and some of my favourite new experiences were: going to the Christmas tree farm, sitting nicely at dim sum, hanging out with Santa hats with my fellow lab friend Luna, meeting tons of animals in Pemberton (horse, sheep, chickens, cow, pigs), my first off-leash walks, my first walk in the snow in Whistler,  finishing puppy boot camp and getting soooo many cuddles from different friends and family. I seem to now have lost all of my baby teeth and my new chompers are extra awesome for biting down on my favourite Benebones. Another added bonus to that is that I don’t need to pick up sticks while I while to help with the teething. That’s good because I kept eating them and then waking up in the morning to throw them up. I’m a tall and lanky girl now, but I still curl up on my raisers’ laps and into the tightest bagel ball when I sleep. When I was in Whistler, I went to some sitters for the day while my raisers skied. They said that I’m very smart and confident for my age and will DEFINITELY make it to be a service dog one day. What a compliment!


Submitted by: Sophie Labrosse