This month, I started going on lots of off-leash walks in nearby Pacific Spirit Park! It’s so great to live near such a beautiful forest where I can run free. Well, it’s not entirely free – it’s really good practice for my recall. That was a highlight, and a lowlight was having tummy troubles. The only good thing about having GI upset is that I got special meals of boiled hamburger, rice and pumpkin, although I really missed my kibble. I was so happy when the bug passed, and I could get back to the status quo!

A few new experiences that I had in January were accompanying my raiser to osteopath and physiotherapy appointments, visiting a cool bookstore (Banyen Books), going to the movie theatre for the first time, and experiencing dim sum (twice! No, I didn’t get any yummy dumplings).

Overall, I’m calmer, am whining way less, and have been up for the challenge of new environments! I still need to practice settling in public and ignoring other dogs. One thing that will never change is how much I love fireside cuddles.

Submitted by: Sophie Labrosse