Hello World!

Gem left her family at 9 weeks old and went to stay with PADS Puzzle for a little while. It was an adjustment for everyone; he was a lot bigger than her littermates, and she was more talkative than he was. They soon found their rhythm. Puzzle taught Gem to love going into her kennel, and she taught him to be patient and to watch quietly while she learned and practiced new skills with the human.

They love to play tug-of-war and chase. They act like siblings: He steals her toys, and she jumps on his bed. Walking together in the park looks so silly as they try to explore in different directions!

Gem is keen to explore and doesn’t hesitate to poke her nose in corners or race up the stairs (although she doesn’t like to go down). She loves people and flirts with the neighbours. She had her first outings to a mall, grocery and clothing stores, and even Vancouver City Hall.

Unfortunately, to end the month, both puppies caught an infection and must practice resting. Wresting together on a bed must count as rest because they’re both on a bed, right?!

Submitted by: Gwen, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter