Good day, all, Giorgio reporting in.

July was a month of celebrations, every time I turned around, there was a gathering of people. Lots of opportunities for me to practice my greeting people skills or not greeting people skills, as the case may be. Mom says this is our target skill now. I really like greeting everyone, so not doing so does not make me happy.

We had some really hot weather, so we needed to do our walks in the malls. It was wonderfully cool inside those big houses.

I have started to grow into my feet and legs. I am quite a tall and long young dog now; I weigh close to 60 pounds, too. Although, it’s been some time since I was weighed.

Mom says the funniest story to tell this month was when I felt the need to comfort her. She and her son were having a conversation with me at her feet. When suddenly, she started crying. I jumped up onto her lap and placed my whole body over hers so she knew that she was loved, and I was right there for her. Mom laughed as she said she was just pretending to cry, but I didn’t understand that, so I continued to hug her.
Mom says to tell you, when you look at my pictures, the one where I am sitting on the rock, she says to sing the song, “Black (Dogs) look better in the shade…”.

Giorgio out

Submitted by: Tina S.