Good day, all,

The month of May was WET!!!  Not that I really minded, as I am a water breed after all.  I was hoping to do more outdoor training throughout the month though.  We still managed to get things done.  This month I turn 6 months old, my how time flies.   Check out the picture of me at 8 weeks and then at 6 months.  I have grown quite tall already, but will continue to keep growing. I even surprised the vet with how big I am. 

This month, I had my eye exam, and that was interesting.  It was like a big party at the vet clinic, and I was super excited to see all my friends in a different location.  Although, mom wasn’t so pleased with me.  Thankfully, I got the “all clear:” my eyes are fine. 

Besides the regular hospital visits and shopping excursions, we went to this other place where they were cutting up logs- mom called it a carving contest.  It was loud as the people used chainsaws.  I wasn’t allowed to show them how well I could carve sticks up. The humans made some interesting pieces though.

Lately, we have been visiting areas like parks where kids are playing.  I really enjoy watching them.  I wait a little impatiently, for some of them to come over and say hi, but mom usually stops them.  I would really like to play with them though.  We have been working on my greeting skills… I still have more work to do.

Well, I am still a work in progress, and that is why I get another year, to learn the proper skills to be a good service dog- I will keep working hard. 

All the best, Giorgio

Submitted by: Tina