Good day, world,

It’s very cold and white here. My paws are not used to the cold, so we have been doing more inside activities. The places we have been going to have all these twinkling lights, that are very pretty to look at and lots of people walking around.

Mom really thinks I will make an excellent PTSD dog, whatever that means. All I know is that I like to be touching people with my whole body. When I can, I sneak onto mom’s lap. It’s my favourite place to be. It’s a little hard to sneak though I am 72 lbs and not all that little. I also think I know when other people need a cuddle, I would love to give them one.

I have been really excited that we have been able to get back to having “in dog/person” classes. It’s a long ride, but I have too much fun when I am there. Last week, we celebrated my, and another dog’s birthday. I am officially one year old now.

We have a new teacher now. I really like her, and I think she can teach me all kinds of new things. So, I continue to grow and learn. I am hoping she will teach us some games we can play inside to help with the time spent indoors.

Until next time, Giorgio out.

 Submitted by: Tina