Good day, all from snowy Alberta.

Mom says it’s time to write again, even though I swear I just wrote one of these.

I have become almost full-grown. I am now in my 11th month, and my birthday is coming up on November 27. Right now, I weigh 70lbs, so I am a very big boy. Mom has a hard time with my enthusiasm, so I must wear a Halti. I don’t really like it, but it makes me pay attention and think twice about bolting off to visit a dog friend.

October was filled with the same old, same old. Although the days have been much cooler, we have been able to spend more time outside. I “helped” mom with the outdoor gardening. I loved picking up the rocks and running around the yard with them. I really don’t understand why mom was less than thrilled with this new game. It didn’t last long, and then, when she had enough of my help, I was restricted to the sunroom to watch through the windows while she continued to do some work. I could have helped her dig those holes?????

Something new that I attended with some of my other PADS dog friends was the CPO, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. We had our own private concert. I was really intrigued by the different sounds. Mom watched me as I turned my head this way and listened to the different tempos and “feelings” of the music. I quite enjoyed the performance, and I behaved very well.

It snowed again last night; I love going out and playing in it. That is what we are off to do now, so I must end.

Until next month,

Submitted by: Tina