Good day,

Mom went on vacation over the end of the month, so she is sorry this is late.

I really like the cooler days; I get to spend more time outside. This month’s excitement was the mom introducing me to a place where I didn’t need to be on a leash. I am surprised there are not more dogs taking advantage of this area. I am lucky if I see another dog, let alone large numbers of them. There are tons of smells and gopher holes to explore, hawks screeching overhead or keeping a close eye on us. So, I got to roam fairly freely. At first, mom was keeping a close eye on me, calling me back to her every so often. I didn’t mind, as I got treats and lots of praise every time I came back. Now she realizes that I don’t wander too far away. I like to be close to her.

Mom said it was time to “get back to a routine.” For me, that means a lot more meetings where I am under the table being quiet. Then I went to my other mom’s house. I go there a fair bit, so mom likes to say she’s my co-raiser or second mom. I really like it there. It is SO busy!!! She has smaller humans, a different cat, and a different routine. PLUS I got to meet a new one of me!! Check out the picture of me and my little brother or cousin or ???? We finished my visit camping, one of my favourite things to do!!!! Check out the beautiful picture my second mom took, I think she’s an artist.

Until next time, Giorgio out.

Submitted by: Tina

Bonus Pupdate:

Giorgio was with me for two and a half weeks while his raiser had a very deserved vacation. He got to experience life with two small children and went to work with me every day. He loved all his new toys, and ripping them apart before I realized he was too strong for most of them.

We did go camping one weekend, and Giorgio loved all the new smells.

Submitted by: Lindsay, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter


Photos below…

Submitted by: Lindsay, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter