Gloucester was very excited to get her feet wet at Puppy-U! She was keen to explore her new surroundings with precision sniffing. She met her bunkmate, Serrano, who has made a very quiet and calm pair. Gloucester has made fast friends with Zion and Charm, and they enjoy playing chase in the yard. Gloucester loves Charm so much that she always tries to disturb her during their duration practice! We took it easy over the last two weeks and didn’t do much besides basic obedience, settling time in the office and playing in the yard. Gloucester is a very good girl and is keen to create bonds with people around her.
Gloucester was a bit on the shyer side initially. But she has warmed up to post-secondary living as all her expenses and food are paid for! Gloucester likes to be close to the action, even if she would just like to observe the action.
A quirk that we are working on is her duration and stationing. Gloucester is very curious and likes to scope things out for herself, which means she loves to get up all the time. Gloucester is very smart, and with consistency, she’s improving on holding her durations with distractions around. So far, she’s been doing very well in this department. We will see as time goes on, but Gloucester shows that she is dedicated to the cause!
Gloucester has shown us how much love and care everyone put into her being her. Gloucester is a loveable and gentle dog who we love to be around. Nice work all!
Thanks, everyone, for all your love and hard work with Gloucester!
Advanced training location: West Coast
Submitted by: Advanced Training Department