This month has been a pretty quiet month, I unfortunately hurt my paw at the beginning of the month, so I was on some strict rest and leash only time when out and about.

I got to spend the long weekend with Sitters Barb and Griff in a cabin on Hornby Island, my raiser was very jealous! They had their grandkiddo come along too, and I did really well living with a tiny human and left their toys alone. I went on my first ferry and nailed it with all of the sounds, though the vibrations took a little getting used to in the restaurant, but it was fine in other places on the boat. Barb and Griff did such a good job looking after my poor paw, keeping it clean and dry. It did mean I wasn’t allowed to run on the beach so they said next time!

The day after I got back with my raiser, we went to watch a show at the theatre, I’m not sure what it was about but there was ALOT of clapping, I do think when people clap it is time to go home, so my raiser is working on that. I got to see Casper and Taj, who also saw the Book of Mormon.

There have been a lot of these strange trees popping up everywhere, they have no real sticks and things, hanging off them, apparently, something called the holidays is coming, and this means that my raiser also likes to dress me up in silly outfits, including some pyjamas and jumpers. The jury is still out on those whether I like them or not, somedays they are not a problem and other days, I would like to play while my raiser is trying to get my paw in. 🙂

At the end of the month, when I was allowed my freedom again, we had a couple of off-leash runs and I’ve found my new favourite doggo to play stick with, PADS Mushu, she’s just a baby but likes to play with the big dogs and we do very well carrying a stick between us.

There was some training to be had at Park Royal where I met Santa, I had to close my eyes! And some long-line time on a nice long grass area to get all of my sniffs out!

Well, that’s it for me for this month! Have a great holiday!


Submitted by: Sarah