Well, that’s another month gone! I hope yours was as good as mine!
I spent the first part of October with Marcie, my sitter who is at UBC. She has a cat named Toad, and my raiser wanted to see how I would do with another animal in the house; I nailed it; well, we were both a little awkward in working out how to play and sometimes Toad didn’t want to play (how rude!)
I got to go on adventures to university and show off my skills to the other campus canines!
When my raiser came back from visiting family, she brought me lots of presents! Some new toys and clothes for the upcoming holidays, you’ll see them in the next couple of months’ pictures.
I got to go and support my raisers first time voting. That was exciting for her, not so much for me, as it was a lot of waiting around, though I did get kibbles!
We had some great walks this month, a few on the long line in all of the leaves. My raiser tries to stop me from shredding them, but it is a lot of fun; I am very good when she says, “Leave it,” and kibble is always for the win! We had some very wet walks during some heavy rain, my raiser likes these as there are less dogs on the trails for me to get distracted by so I spent most of them off leash having a nice relaxing walk next to my raiser.
For the last weekend, something amazing happened, and I got to spend it with my raiser’s first dog, Tope. She was in advanced training, and her person was away, so they asked if our raiser would have her. We did so well together, and there was lots of snoozing next to and on top of each other 🙂 On Saturday, we went to a Girl Guide event where the raiser and some other PADS people were teaching the kiddos about what to do when they see working dogs, and we got pets. Emme took over my leash at the start and then took me home after a bit, as I may be the same size as Tope. I’m still a young puppy and need my beauty naps.
We rounded out the month with our class Halloween party, where my raiser went all 80s raver with my own treats bag. It was good fun but very tiring.
Heres to more rainy walks,
Submitted by: Sarah