It was non-stop this month! I’m a busy guy, we know this – visits to the airport, grocery shopping, coffee shops, the mall, restaurants – oh and even a visit to a nice new office with a big mossy wall (which human was very grateful I didn’t try to mark…yet)
Everything was so exciting. Most exciting of all was my 8-Month Walk and Talk. Wow. Human and I practiced over and over again, which was boring, but then our Instructor showed up to assess us, and boyyyyy was I pleased to see her – I made sure to let her know! I heard the humans talk about me being a typical teenager…What do they know?!
Of course, I got to see my best friend Puzzle. We were off-leash, finding sticks to carry together, drinking from the same puddles. It’s the best. We’re so cool. Humans tagged along as usual – yawn.
I think I saw a leaf blow by, I must go and investigate…see you next month!
Submitted by: J.